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Gathering the data

All the data gathered so far comes from The whole repository is available here GitHub repo.

Raspberry Pi

  • Scraper set up on a Raspberry Pi 3B
  • It was being triggered by a CRONJOB every day
  • Python script creates JSON with most interesting flats to showcase on the website under "Flats" tab


Idealista API permits to request 2000 listings per month. You have to request a key here to be granted developer access


class BasicParams:
def __init__(self):
self.locationId = "0-EU-ES-46"
self.propertyType = "homes"
self.order = "publicationDate"
self.locale = "es"

I am looking for an apartment in Valencia ("0-EU-ES-46"). Scraper runs each day in the morning

source .venv/bin/activate

now=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y")
.venv/bin/python3.9 src/ --pages 20 &> "logs/log_inside_${now}"

I am logging the scraper results to check if the run was completed succesfully and see the statistics at the end.

Scraped flats: 380

Properties for sale
Inserted: 267, 113 found already in the database. Price changes: 12

A Python script runs each day to pick listings with the highest numer of price changes or the ones for which the price got lower most recently.

"propertyCode": "100002920",
"prices": [
"dates": [
}, ...


I store data in MongoDB. I chose NoSQL for it's flexibility and scalability. There is no schema and some listings might have additional features that others don't. If data changes drastially, I won't have to perform a complex migration. If I decide one day to store pictures, I can just store them alongside the rest of my data (MongoDB allows for variety of data types).

Another reason was that it is a popular tool and as I have worked with mostly SQL before, I wanted to try and learn something new.
